Elisabeth Bell, Legacy Donor
Early in 2013, the Albany Education Foundation received an unexpected and totally surprising phone call that we had recieved a generous bequest from community member Elisabeth Bell. Needless to say we were overjoyed and determined to use the money in a way that would please and honor Elisabeth. After long and hard thought and several conversations with the Albany Unified School District, AEF decided to make a commitment for 5 years to support the school libraries.
Later in 2013 AEF board members visited each school site and surprised the librarians with gift cards purchased from Barnes and Noble for an amount equaling one dollar per student. MacGregor High School received five dollars per student due to its low total enrollment.
One of the librarians thanked us, writing “Having the money available for books through Barnes and Noble is a HUGE boon to the AHS library. It is so wonderful to be able to get a book for a student or teacher immediately when they request it!”
In spring of 2014, the Elisabeth Bell Photo Lab was dedicated at Albany High School. Thanks to the generous bequest by Elisabeth Bell, AEF was able to create an “old fashioned” dark room at AHS for students to learn how to develop film and increase their understanding of photography.