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Sally Outis

AEF Founder and First Executive Director

For thirty years Sally Outis served the students and staff of the Albany public schools as parent volunteer, school board member and president, adviser to district staff, and fundraiser. She was twice nominated by the Albany School Board for the Alameda County Friend of Education award.

After her youngest children graduated from Albany High School in 1995, Sally recruited and led the planning committee that created the Albany Education Foundation. She then served in a volunteer capacity for five years as its first president and another five years as its executive director. She also served for several years on the board of the California Consortium of Education Foundations, collaborating with others doing similar work throughout California.

Sally was a vibrant, guiding force behind AEF. She never ceased to share her ideas, enthusiasm, and encouragement with anyone who cared about our schools. Sadly, in 2010 Sally lost her three-year battle with ovarian cancer.

Each year, AEF funds a small number of Block Grants which provide support to particular AUSD projects.  AEF has named these grants Sally Outis Block Grants in tribute to the legacy of this wonderful, savvy woman who with wit, humor, and much good cheer, made our lives and our community, and the work of our teachers and students, so much better.

Dianne McNenny, AEF Board President, said of her work with Sally:

“Sally was a role model for all of us. After her service on the school board, she established the Albany Education Foundation as a lasting legacy. She had the ability to get people to work together toward a common vision. She will be remembered for her incredible dedication, innovation, and hard work for her community.”

Sally said of her work with AEF:

“It has been my distinct privilege and great pleasure to work with the Albany Education Foundation and the steady stream of wonderful folks who have volunteered as its board members and help mates over those years. I believe that together we have accomplished many wonderful things for Albany schools, their students and teachers. And I have enjoyed every moment of it. There is nothing more uplifting and gratifying than to be in a school where students are productively engaged in activities they enjoy and often come to cherish for a lifetime.”

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