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Grant Application Process

Through our grants programs, the Albany Education Foundation seeks to provide AUSD educators with small amounts of money that can be acquired quickly and easily for specific educational activities that enrich existing programs in Albany public schools.

Does your proposed project:

  • utilize an innovative and creative program directly benefitting and involving students?

  • offer students a unique learning opportunity which would otherwise be unavailable?

  • address the educational needs and interests of all your students or a specific group of students (for example, English learners, students with disabilities, boys, African American students)?

  • enrich an existing Albany Unified School District program?

  • provide resources that enhance classroom curriculum or student participation?

  • enable community or volunteer involvement, interdisciplinary or team teaching, or multi-age student groupings?

  • need funding because none or too little is available from state, federal, or district sources?

  • comply with all Albany Unified School District policies and regulations?

If so, please apply for ONE OR MORE grants! All Albany certificated educators, alone or in groups, may apply for AEF mini-grants and/or field trip grants at the start of each school year. Block grant applications are accepted throughout the academic year.

We have allocated funds for unanticipated opportunities during the normal funding cycles. These grants have no set application deadline, but may be applied for at any time. If you have an idea for an “unanticipated opportunity” proposal, contact AEF with a brief description of your proposal ( and we will provide guidance for your application.

Please note:

AEF-Grants are reviewed by a committee and funded up to a maximum of $1,500 each, based on perceived merit of the proposed project as measured against the criteria above.

Block Grants are reviewed by the Board and funded to a maximum of $5,000 based on the perceived merit of the proposed project as measured against the criteria above. The total amount allocated for Block Grants per year is $15,000

IMPORTANT: AEF accepts ONLY online applications. Beginning in 2017, AEF has removed its rule against funding grant projects more than three years in a row; however, AEF may give preference to projects that have not been previously funded.

To apply for funding a block grant, an educator needs an AEF EDUCATOR LOG-IN. Click here to register. Lead applicants working by themselves or with co-applicants will complete the application. The lead applicant must complete the Points of Agreement for each application.

TO BE CONSIDERED, complete applications must be submitted by the specified deadline and include:

  • the full project or trip description

  • the budget, including individual line-items

  • submitting an application requires acceptance of the AEF points of agreement

Application Endorsement by Principals and Program Managers

Principals and Program Managers will receive an email informing them that there are applications awaiting review as the endorsement period approaches. They must endorse or deny the application before the specified deadline.

If you encounter any difficulty in completing an application, please contact us for support.

Please note these 2020 - 2021 DEADLINES:

Activities Completed by: 5/27/21
Post-grant reports detailing expenses due: 6/6/21
AEF Grant Applications due: 10/9/20
AEF Grant Endorsements due: 10/13/20

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